Tika Yeend

Tika Yeend image

Today we would like to introduce you to Tika Yeend who recently joined ADROITA as our Office Manager after a career in the Royal Australian Navy. Tika is already making a great difference to the ADROITA team, improving our systems, enhancing productivity and bringing the team together with her easy communication style.

Welcome to the team Tika!

What is your role at ADROITA?
Office Manager

Why did you choose ADROITA?
ADROITA offered an opportunity for a smooth transition from Defence into civilian employment, whilst still being surrounded by like-minded individuals. I especially liked the fact that ADROITA had been established for only 6 years but had achieved so much in such a short time. Sarah’s drive and passion for her business and team was evident from our very first meeting, and everything just felt so right.

What are you delivering to your clients?
During this fast growth phase of ADROITA and the business scaling up, I will be looking at refining current business processes, streamlining and automating systems, and improving onboarding and recruitment procedures. By doing this, we will be able to create effective and efficient systems and improve overall productivity for both the team and client.

How do you remain connected with broader ADROITA team?
My role involves being in up to date and in touch with all members of our team. By engaging regularly with the team and seeking feedback on how I can make their jobs easier, I can maintain that line of communication with each member. Our daily team meetings, weekly catch ups and regular ADROITA events all help us keep up to date with each other.

What is your superpower?
I believe I’m a pretty resilient individual. After 8.5 years in Defence, and a LOT of Rugby Union experience under my belt I think I can handle myself well in stressful situations and can get back on my feet after failure. I love learning and any growth is for the good.

What do you love doing when you aren’t at work?
I love spending time with my son Iver and husband Travis. We are busy individuals, so a day at the park with just the three of us is time well spent.


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